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Burtom Biophysis Mudanya Medical Center
Language : 🇹🇷 Türkçe 🇬🇧 English
Doctor Information:
Op. Dr. Ömer KONUK currently continues his professional studies at Burtom Biophysis Mudanya Medical Center.
Education And Experience:
Op. Dr. Ömer KONUK, 1969 – 1971 He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine with success. 1972 – 1975 Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine (Specialization) received the title of Specialist.
● 1982 – 1998 Aydın Nazilli SSK
● 1999 – 2011 Bursa Cekirge State Hospital
● 1981 Atatürk University Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist
● 1975 Ataturk University Faculty of Medicine
● 1968 Bursa Boys’ High School

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